Deceptively simple beats leave room for dark synth beds and woozy top-line synths. Perfect for night drives or low-key house party.
MIKE G; Woozy piano chords and buzzing synths, with an earworm melody line and 808 beats.
MIKE G; Simpl but infectious melody line switches from various types of synth, with kick snare beat accompanying.
MIKE G; An ominous chiming synth takes the lead, with dark bass lines burbling underneath and hand-clap percussion.
MIKE G; Skronking synth line gains momentum as rapid fire hi-hat and dark bass-line are added.
MIKE G; Distorted voices are used like synths while fast-paced beats and a buzzing bass line come in and out.
MIKE G; Downtempo beat, featuring a buzzing synth layer and top-line synth melody.
MIKE G; Ear-worm synth line takes center stage, with muted bass beats and crash cymbals.
MIKE G; Dark synth beds with a squirming minor-key synth line on top and minimalist beats.
MIKE G; Chilled out organ stabs accompany a traditional hip hop beat.
MIKE G; Quirky synth line wiggles through heavy, dark synth beds and rapid-fire beats.
MIKE G; Ominous synth bed weaves its way through snapping beats.
MIKE G; Wistful, smooth synth beds with a whistling synth top-line and trap style beats.