KING-176 Plucked And Struck Indie Film Magic cover

KING-176 Plucked And Struck Indie Film Magic

Jamison Hollister

Beautiful, haunting and emotional songs just dripping with magic. Composed with mostly acoustic instruments being plucked and struck by the amazing Jamison Hollister.

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    1. Odds Beat


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; A mysterious and inquisitive old world acoustic tune comprised of acoustic guitar, pizz strings, marimba, upright bass and other instruments.

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    2. Precipitation


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; A gorgeous, spacious and evolving song with swelling electric guitar notes, upright bass and pizzicato strings.

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    3. Building Blocks


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; A nimble and softly played, heart warming acoustic song that picks up in dynamics halfway through thanks to great pizzicato strings.

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    4. A Guise


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; A mysterious and unsettling acoustic song with gorgeous and exquisite finger picking.

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    5. Coyotes


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; A series of short picked acoustic instrument lines will make you think that someone is sneaking up right behind you. Features pizz strings.

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    6. Inertia


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; An up-tempo muted guitar line starts this one off and then gives way to reverb laden pizz strings and tremolo guitar.

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    7. The Bends


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; A backwoods haunting banjo line opens this one up and is then accompanied by pizzicato strings and upright bass.

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    8. Rising Plateaus


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; Muted acoustic guitar starts off in creating an uneasy feeling “that something strange is about to happen”. Features acoustic guitar, electric guitar and bass.

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    9. Grandfather Clock


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; Short, muted, plucked acoustic rhythm lines are quickly accompanied by eerie swelling electric sounds.

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    10. Wistful Wash


    JAMISON HOLLISTER; A beautiful and expansive palette of swelling electric guitar lines are married with a softly finger picked acoustic guitar.